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Wednesday , March 12 2025

Dental Health Plans & Insurance

Dental health is an important and well researched part of overall health. While dental benefits have been shown to be a highly sought after benefit, about 62% of people living in America do not have dental coverage.

The low rate of coverage in the US has a serious impact in the workplace, as well as in the school system. According to the report ‘Oral Health in America: a report of the surgeon general’, there are approximately 49 million hours of school missed each year, and about 180 million work hours missed annually because of dental related issues. These include visits to the dentist, as well as illnesses and problems which occur as a result of dental conditions.

Students and the working class alike consider dental insurance to be a priority benefit. As an example, the graduating class of 2008 ‘statistic survey found that students who graduated and were starting to work found dental coverage to be a top valued perk. Just after medical coverage and salary. Also, in a few recent surveys and studies, it was found that employees themselves rated dental plans to be third on the list of most important benefits they look to receive, behind retirement benefits and health benefits.

Discount Dental Plans: a Price Saving Solution

In a report in 2008 done by the US census bureau, it was found that 85% of individuals with private insurance received dental care from their employer, or a family member’s employer. It’s been projected that 20% of small businesses will be dropping the health benefits they offer to employees by next year. Strangely, it has also been projected that dental benefits is something that employees are looking for in their employer.

A lot of small businesses out there don’t offer any dental insurance to employees because of the costs associated with it. As a way of conserving money, many more businesses are going in the direction of consumerism and toward mandatory dental benefits. The cost of dental insurance is being moved from a Company to the worker.

The traditional form of benefits and dental coverage in particular is no longer as popular as it once was. There is a movement toward low cost dental plans as voluntary dental benefits become more popularly used. There are dental plans which can be made specifically fitting for a business’s needs.

With this system, both the employer and the employee are able to benefit from the same system; saving time, money and energy on the plans, and the ability to choose what is best for the individual employee. There are also no minimum participation requirements on dental plans offered; they can be used by any number of employees, regardless of status. Now more than ever, businesses are finding their best plan is via the low cost dental plan, benefiting big savings and their employee’s health.

Compare dental health plans [] & the best dental plans from America’s leading dental insurance & plan providers and at []

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