My Flowplayer video
Wednesday , March 12 2025

Lion saves a baby calf from another lion attack

Times are tough for many right now. Dentists need to be proactive in their thinking and treatment planning. What are you doing to help patients make it through the tough times?

First, make sure that you and your staff don’t bemoan the economy to your patients. The truth is they don’t want to hear about your problems; many of them have problems of their own. It’s fine to sympathize, but try to be upbeat and hopeful in your responses. Let your patients know that we’re all in the same boat and you’ll help them get what they need, until they can afford what they want.

In today’s economy patients may want to know you are concerned and that you sympathize not just what they need done. Finding a way to work within a patients’ budget can sometimes mean a shorter term solution or a temporary fix that could end up cementing a long term relationship.

Patients’ don’t care about your problems, but they do care about Doctors and Office staffs that care about them and their problems. A little extra time and attention now could add up to a lifetime of referrals and loyalty.

Let’s Say You Just Billed The Insurance Company $1,250 For A Procedure. How Much Of That Will You Put In Your Pocket?

The Insurance Company sure isn’t going to tell you.
Does your Office know?
Does your Billing Service have a clue?
Most Medical Practices don’t know what they will be paid until the day payment arrives…
And they never know if they could have gotten more.
Getting paid for services rendered is so complex that it’s common to hear doctors say things like, “I submit my claims, cross my fingers, and hope for the best.”

If you are the owner/operator of a medical practice, then no doubt you are frustrated with the complicated hoops you have to jump through to get paid. To bill insurance, you must understand and work through rules governing authorizations, benefit caps, visitation limits, eligibility, insurance splits, deductibles, copays, correct and optimal coding, and more.

Finally, when you submit a claim, you wait… You wonder if the insurance company will pay or reject your claim and if they do pay, how much will actually come in. You wonder when it will be paid…usually the majority of your claims get paid two to three months later. You deposit the check, but are you sure it was for the right amount?

Now there is a solution to this problem. You can know that the claim was billed with the optimal coding for maximum return. You can know what will be paid, when it will be paid, and how much will be paid.

Nationally known tax, business, and financial consultant, Steven J. Weil, PhD, EA , is much sought after as a guest speaker and workshop leader. He has appeared on Good Morning America and is heard on South Florida radio with his “Daily Tax Tip.” His PhD is in Business Administration and he is also enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service. Steven and his team can provide you expert advice regarding your dental office management

To find out more about this unique cost effective service that can help let you spend more time practicing medicine and help put more money in your pocket faster than you dreamed possible give us a call (800) 382-1040.

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